Portable aerodynamic device, also called as the “Open wind tunnel ” is a vertical wind tunnel that operates on the principle of open flow outside the premises. Easy to use and carry. An open wind tunnel inhaust around the device, and pushes it up through the “glass” with a powerful pressure (flight zone).
The advantages of the Mobile wind tunnel are:
- The price is much lower comparing with the large stationary devices;
- Easy transport, installation, operation and maintenance;
- There is no attachment to a specific place, and there is no need to construct a building.
Buying a wind tunnel at our company you will get: excellent service, quality equipment, marketing support, professional help. Read more about the advantages of acquiring the wind tunnel at BusinessFly on our website. We will install a wind tunnel in the right place, train how to service it, and share the basics of business in this area. The using of the wind tunnel covers a large target audience, which is described in more details on the page ” Wind tunnel application “.